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3D Printed House: The Gen- Next Building Technique!

3D Printed House

3D Printed House

With the enormous increase in the population in the last few decades, housing has becoming a much bigger problem than food and sanitation.  In India most of the people living below the poverty line are dwelling on the roads. Government of India has launched various housing schemes with the objective to house these homeless people but all went in vain. Hopefully in our constant efforts of copying from the west we can learn something from this new housing technique that was put on display outside the Building Centre, London, as part of this year’s London Design Festival.

This is the first proto- type WikiHouse 4.0 which was an experiment that many believe has the capacity to disrupt the construction industry to the core. This amazing development has been brought about with the help of 3DP technology. It is basically a wiki for various house designs. People can download these files and can print their own homes without much difficulty. Since the kit is quite user friendly and requires minimal training, the entire house can be assembled in a day!

The co-designer of the WikiHouse, Alastair Parvin said: “What we are trying to do with this installation is to spark people’s imagination about how technology can now enable almost anyone to afford their own custom-built house without the need for conventional construction skills.” He also added: “We don’t believe that WikiHouse is the only solution to the current housing crisis, but we do want to host a disruptive debate and challenge landowners, urban planners and policy makers to think differently about the barriers – such as land or building costs.”

The WikiHouse is a 68-square-metre wood framed house which can be built for less than £50,000. The project is a technological marvel as this is the first time a two-storey house has been digitally cut and built.

The WikiHouse can prove particularly vital in cases where emergency housing is needed in situations such as post-earthquake conditions. If successful it could become a viable solution for providing affordable homes in the future and putting designing into the hands of the buyer.

The site in London is quite an interactive one as visitors are allowed to take a tour inside the house and watch the live building process.

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