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3D printed map of the Legend of Zelda Nintendo game sold for $100

A 3D printed version of the Legend of Zelda Nintendo game was recently sold for $100. Ardent fans can go to any extent to relive the memories of their nostalgic gaming days. People loved the fact that Nintendo was releasing the Nintendo Classic Mini, a revised version of its 1980s NES console packaged with a built-in catalog of games. The popularity of these games was difficult to predict at that time as they were very basic games, very different from the current virtual reality games life the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

The older video games are simple and fans continuously pay homage to their favorite games, in their own unique way. The success of the Pokemon Go could be attributed to the fact that it had a great resemblance to their childhood game, Gameboy. And it’s not just the gaming part; people make t-shirts and other mementos to relive their childhood games. 3D printing is playing a huge role in shaping the replicas of these games.

3D printed retro gaming devices and replicas are everywhere. 3D printed harmonica or a 3D printed Gameboy Emulator is some of the examples of replicas that the maker community has spent a great deal of time carefully sculpting. Even video game characters are converted into 3D printed objects. The 3D printed map of the Legend of Zelda overworld made by maker Willard McFarland is the perfect example of this trend. Zelda had expansive landscapes in which gamers often got lost if they didn’t have a 2D map to guide them. McFarland’s maps are realistic and well-fitting tributes to the original masterpiece.

This map was bought by a member of the Trade Sell Collect Retro Facebook group. MacFarland had spent 6 months making perfections to the map before creating its 3D printed version. The printing took 24 hours and another 6 hours for painting. Some fans have approved the move while others have stated that $100 are less for the 3D printed map.

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