Nikon makes 3D printed smart case, enabling your dog to be pho-dog-graphers

Nikon L31

Photography has been attached with our lives since our childhood, in the form of a hobby or passion. To recognize beauty and to be able to capture it through a device has inspired millions of photographers around the world. But it is not just us who probably want to save our happy moments in a device. I’m sure our canine friends, if they could, would’ve loved to store their favourite moments too.

Nikon, one of the largest photographic device manufacturers, came up with an out-of-box idea that resulted in the campaign called “Heartography”, where Nikon built a 3D printed camera smart case that is capable of reading the heartbeat of a dog, and when it spikes up, their Nikon L31 takes a snap of the object, making the dog a ‘pho-dog-grapher’.

Some more info about Heartography:

A Nikon L31 camera is mounted in a 3D printed smart case which is later on strapped around a dog named Gizzler’s chest. An exited Gizzler takes a quick stroll of the neighbourhood, and camera takes snapshot of the object which makes him happy. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it!?

Gizzler, the pho-dog-grapher
Snap by Gizzler

Now how does it work? The camera is strapped with a conductive band that is capable of reading the heartbeat level of the dog. When the heartbeat spikes up, the reading is sent to the camera via a bluetooth device that is attached to the conductive strap band and the camera takes the snapshot of the object instantly.

Snap taken in the Nikon L31

For all those who’ve always wondered how does your pet dog go about his or her life and what makes him really happy, Nikon-Asia’s innovative smart-case is quite the answer. Don’t be stunned to see the camera memory card gets full in just one stroll in the neighbourhood with the dog, as we know our little four-legged friends are among the most active, happy and enthusiastic pets.

Gizzler’s first acquaintance with a friend


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