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Phantom Dual Extruder 3D Printer Review

A couple of years back if someone said that there is a printer that has dual extruders then it would be the biggest thing in the 3DP market. But not anymore, dual extruders are a very common thing. Most of the companies have developed printers that have dual extruders. So when a company launches a new 3D printer with dual extruders its nothing unusual.

A company named Phantom Corporation has come up a 3D printer Phantom that has dual extruders but both the extruders work independently and so the time involved printing an object is reduced.  The founder of the company Eimantas Tomkevicius said that the printer his company has manufactured works faster than any other machine available in the market. He also said, “In April 2013 I went to San Francisco for 3 months with the idea to create a video game. I went to one hacker space called Noisebridge. I was really surprised at the time, as the place was amazing. There I had an opportunity to try the 3D printers myself. I have tried them all in the first week. I noticed they were really slow and too complicated for those who were not engineers. So, I decided to build a new faster 3D printer”

The Phantom 3D printer is the very first machine that has independent working dual extruders on the X and Y axis. The machine is expected to be working at a speed of 200- 250 mm/sec having a resolution of 100 and 300 microns. Tomkevicius said that the printer works best when it has to print larger objects or multiple objects as both the extruders work on their specified areas. But while printing small objects the advantage of having independent dual extruders cannot be exploited to the maximum.

If the printer works as per its claims then this would certainly change the 3D printing industry and help 3D printers enter into the manufacturing industry. We believe such printers will be manufactured in India in no time.


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