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Dora Goodman’s Open-Source 3D Printed Cameras

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Image Source: 3d natives

Camera is a lifetime companion that knows you better than everyone else. Dora Goodman with the idea of customized 3d printed cameras started a company in Budapest. Her main aim is to create personal, accessible solutions for analog photography as an alternative to mass-produced products available from other manufacturers. She started redesigning cameras with the help of wood. Goodman wanted to create environmentally conscious brands and use only bio-degradable plastic and wood. She comments ” with the help of my products, I try to pass on my perspective, and the way I visualize the timelessness of analog photography”.

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Previously Goodman and her team designed cameras with the help of wood. But this a time consuming process so she thought of a new solution for this. Then they came up with the idea of 3D printing which is low-cost and effective solution. After spending some time they found this is the best technology suitable for them. Because it has more flexibility than traditional methods. “We love that when we have an idea that we need something special accessory for a camera, we do not need to hunt for that, but we design and print it. It is so cool!” said Goodman. “The process is fast, effective, and cost-efficient, which can result in affordable cameras we sell.”

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In 2018 Goodman released the Goodman One, which is the first open-sourced 3D printed camera. After three years Dora Goodman offered a wide range of analogue cameras, accessories and corresponding files needed for 3D printing. Everyone can access those freely on GoodLAB platform. After signing up you will receive list of all the download links and STP files that can be edited on CAD software are made available. The GoodLAB allows its members to alter and redesign the models. Goodman products are available free of charge on GoodLAB platform. “Our goal was to provide a professional medium format camera at any entry-level price and also to give the opportunity to everyone to experience the joy of building your own camera.The basic kit costing $93 includes one set of faux leather decor fail, one sanding sponge, one laser drilled pinhole plate, one strap cord and zero waste wrapping paper with cut-out samples.

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The time for change has come. Only you know exactly how you like your own camera, that peculiar way you hold it, or the shape which best fits into your hands. So inspired by this, we came up with an idea of 3D printing your own camera. In this way 3D printing has become the solution for many things.


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