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Present .STL file may be too old now, Microsoft says.

Apparently, the software megacorp Microsoft intimated that the company will be share information with the world on a “new” 3D printing file formats at the Build Conference in San Francisco, held from April 29th to May 1st, 2015. Back in 2013, Microsoft made Windows 8.1 3D printing friendly. But soon they found out that the .STL file format is totally outdated. As hardware is advancing the chunk files created by CAD software are difficult to be read by .STL file. At the Microsoft’s Build Developer Conference Microsoft will be talking about the latest file format developed to smoothly read and 3D printing activity.

Gavin Gear, Senior Program Manager at Microsoft told, “People are unable to access the full potential of 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing because of basic limitations in core technologies used by 3D printing.” The .STL file was made way back in 1989 and the current 3D printing activities with rich colours and intricate designs are becoming difficult to be described. So, basically the file format is not at par with the latest current hardware and 3D printers.

“To empower people, maximize productivity, and unlock the full capabilities of this technology, a new file format is needed,” stated Gear. “It should align CAD software, 3D printing hardware and software on a more information-rich file format, specifically designed to support the needs of modern 3D printing. The file format must support information interchange throughout the entire 3D printing process, from CAD application to printer. The file format must contain a complete definition of the printed model, in a way that allows unambiguous and accurate processing of the model. Finally, the file format must be practical, simple to understand and easy to implement.”

As of now Microsoft has said a 3D printing consortium has been set, where HP is the declared member, and this consortium is going to work for the development of the advanced file format.

Surely it leaves no doubt where tech-giants like Microsoft, HP are investing for various developments in the 3D printing industry. More information is awaited from the Build Conference. Watch out this space for more information.

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HP launches 3D Printer

On October 29th 2014, HP launched a Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printing technology – A technology 10x Faster & 10x More Precise than current technologies. HP is the undisputed leader in the 2D or inkjet printing and it is a logical extension for them to enter the 3D printing space. One year back, Meg Whitman, CEO of Hewlett Packard announced that HP would be entering the 3D printing space around middle 2014. But HP didn’t make any announcement in that regard. In the mean time, the company went through a restructuring process which many believed is to put special focus on 3D printing technology. And soon after the restructuring is complete, HP announced its plans for 3D printing foray.

Looking at the product HP plan to launch, it is very clear that HP wants to create a huge impact on the 3D printing ecosystem, not just be another 3D printer manufacturer. The company is determined to create an entire 3-dimensional ecosystem. From their displays to their scanner to 3D printing, HP Inc. looks to several new rapidly growing markets. As per Stephen Negro, senior vice president, Inkjet and Graphic Solutions “As we examined the existing 3D print market, we saw a great deal of potential but also saw major gaps in technology and performance, HP plans to deliver a solution that can resolve those gaps and deliver on the potential of 3D printing.”

Stephen Nigro launches HP 3D Printer

With the new technology that HP plans to sell (called Multi Jet Fusion), HP aims to solve three major problems that users of 3D printing technology face (a) Speed (b) Precision (c) Cost currently. These are the three constraints prohibiting the adoption of 3D printing technology in a massive scale. So, if what HP claims is true, then this technology can be considered a game changer in 3D printing space. This new technology will be available in the market in 2016. With this technology, one can produce parts at speeds 10x faster than any other technology on the market today, with a combination of precision and strength, as well as lower priced hardware and materials.

The way the technology works is bit similar to Poly Jet Printing but with certain added advantages. Firstly, a layer of powder is laid down the bed and a fusing agent is applied to make the powder stick. Thereafter, a detailing agent is used in order to produce higher definition around the edges by reducing fusion around the boundaries of the object. Then it is hit with an energy source and that layer is complete. So, like wise layer by layer the object is produced.

HP Event

Statistically speaking, a object that takes 38 hours to print using Laser Sintering process will just take 3 hours in HP Multi Jet Fusion Process. So, the objects can be fabricated at 10x speed when compared to fastest additive manufacturing machines that exist today. The jetting system can also produce a staggering 350 million droplets per second, printing objects with 20 micron precision. The machine has the ability to print in different colors, textures, elasticities, as well printing entire electronic devices.

HP Event


Multi Jet Fusion At-a-Glance

  • 10-Times Faster: Images entire surface areas versus one point at a time to achieve break-through functional build speeds that are at least 10 times faster than the fastest technology in market today.
  • New Levels of Quality, Strength and Durability: Proprietary multi-agent printing process utilizing HP Thermal Inkjet arrays that simultaneously apply multiple liquid agents to produce best-in-class quality that combines greater accuracy, resiliency and uniform part strength in all three axis directions.
  • Accuracy and Detail: Capable of delivering fully functional parts with more accuracy, finer details and smooth surfaces, and able to manipulate part and material properties, including form, texture, friction, strength, elasticity, electrical, thermal properties and more — beyond other 3D print processes.
  • Achieves Break-through Economics: Unifies and integrates various steps of the 3D print process to reduce running time, cost, energy consumption and waste to significantly improve 3D printing economics.

Samples from Multi Jet Fusion Printing

Materials and Color Science 

HP is committed to developing a platform that will become an industry standard and remains focused on growing the highest potential commercial markets. While the HP 3D Print technology is available today, HP is working directly with customers under the HP Open Customer Engagement Program. Through this program, HP will continue to extend the capabilities of the HP 3D Print platform throughout development and will provide a certification process for partners to drive materials innovation. Wider distribution of the HP 3D Print system will begin in 2016.

Printed on the HP 3D Printer

By inviting open collaboration, HP and contributors will be able to achieve greater flexibility and versatility in 3D Print materials beyond the current use of thermoplastics, which will enable new solutions in segments such as additive manufacturing and will expand applications for engineering, architecture and consumer goods. HP will also bring its color science expertise and the full-color capabilities of traditional HP printing to 3D world in future-generation 3D Print systems. Let us hope HP printer becomes a huge success in the market and earmark a new era in the 3D printing industry.

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HP will enter the 3D printing industry with a bang

One of the most anticipated entries of all times for 3D printing industry would be the entry of Hewlett Packard. After conquering the 2D printing industry HP is all set to rock the 3D world. The CEO of the company Meg Whiteman announced that the company would be entering the 3D printing industry by the end of this fiscal year. The fiscal year of HP ends on 31st October. The announcement also clarifies HP’s target segment to start with. HP will be announcing a 3-D printing product aimed at business-related 3-D printing and will not be entering the consumer 3-D printing market.

At present the 3D printing industry is dominated by companies such as 3D Systems and Stratasys. However the entry of HP has created a lot of buzz as the competition will surely heat up. The 3D printer range that HP plans to launch is the Designjet 3D printer series. The printer uses recyclable ABS plastic and it has a built-in network card which allows easy workgroup sharing to the user. The HP Designjet Color 3D printer can make larger models as compared to the HP Designjet 3D printer. Since it has two printing modes it allows the user to print bigger models at a speed that is faster than the HP Designjet 3D printer.

HP will stand to benefit from the fact that a host of core patents for FDM, SLS etc have expired recently. As a consequence HP will not have to spend a lot of money on developing new technology and processes for discovering how the modeling of 3D objects is to be done, and can rather focus on business with its vast distribution network.

With the entry of HP in the 3D printing industry, this industry will get its much deserved momentum. This will boost the innovation in the industry as HP has a lot of money that can be used in the R&D to improve future processes. HP can produce in bulk hence reducing the price per unit of 3D printers, making 3D printers at par with technologies such as computers and mobiles.



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The new price wars in 3D printing!

Until now the principal consumers of 3D printing were commercial industries who had the resources as well as the finances. Since the machines have a hefty price, these machines were used by large scale manufacturers for prototyping and production in small scale. The markets were dominated by 2-3 companies like Stratasys, 3D Systems etc. But the expiry of some key patents opened up the world of consumer level 3D printers. Pioneers like the rep rap movement, ultimaker etc play a vital role in this development, but the role of the big companies with their consumer level printers – Cube and Makerbot cannot be underestimated.

The launch of two smaller form of 3D printers with prices as low as $1,000, by the two companies, means that they are very serious about this space and are willing to indulge into price war to expand the 3D printing eco system. So, now the phase that is being faced in the 3D printing industry can be termed as 3D printing price war. The level of competition is very high on the low end 3D printers: Makerbot announced that it would be shipping its MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D printer to customers and in less than 24 hours another pioneer company in 3D printing 3D systems announced that it will begin shipping its Cube 3 and CubePro 3D printers in the second half of June 2014, with pre-orders available now. The prices of both the printers are highly competitive as well. 3D’s Cube 3 and CubePro home and desktop 3D printers are priced as follows: Cube 3 starts at $999 and the CubePro starts at $2,799 on the other hand MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printer which allows users to find more than 300, 0000 free downloadable digital 3D printable items and is priced at $1,375. This is just a case study of two giants of the 3D printing industry there are many other companies that are fighting to survive in the highly competitive world of 3D printing. Other well-known companies like Hewlett-Packard Co. are still skeptical about entering the 3D market.

Apart from the obvious reason to expand their sales of 3D printers, the big companies also want to create a perpetual flow of income by locking the customers with cheaper printers but weighing them with costlier filaments, by restricting the users to use only the filaments produced by them. You can safely compare this to the Gillette strategy, where the razors are sold cheap, but the blades are sold at a very high rate. Hence, though the price war means good news for consumers, they have to calculate their overall costs carefully and take a call whether to go for these printers. Looking at the brighter side of all this, with the recent advancements it seems that the day when 3D printing will reach critical masses in homes, schools and other commonplace setting isn’t far off. This technology will become as revolutionary as computers and mobiles.