123D Catch New App from Autodesk

Autodesk 123D scanning app

As the prices of 3D printers are reducing each passing day. the equipment related to this technology is getting proliferated. 3D scanners are one such kind of equipment. 3D scanners scan the object which can then be 3D printed directly using the 3D printers. As 3D scanners are becoming very popular companies are finding new ways to bring the technology closer to the people.

In doing so, Autodesk recently released its 123D Catch scanning app. This app which earlier was for iPads, PCs and Web Browsers is now also available for Android devices. On this occasion Jennifer Gentrup of Autodesk said, “The 123D Catch app is now available on Google Play, enabling Android lovers to turn their photos into a realistic 3D model by taking a series of photographs from different angles. With 123D Catch, a free app, you can capture things such as friends, sculptures and buildings, and transform them into interactive 3D models that can be 3D printed or shared with friends through Twitter, Facebook and email.”

This app allows users to take 40 pictures of an object which then can be uploaded to Autodesk’s cloud processing. After which the 3D printed model can be shared or printed with the help of a 3D printer. The idea of being able to do something like this is commendable as well as exciting but the results of the app are not quite perfect. The object usually needs some touch up before it can be 3D printed.

Such minimal detailing can be neglected as the app is considerably new. Hopefully in the future these minor hiccups would be eliminated. With the help of this app users can replicate anything from monuments to rare artifacts!

source: http://3dprint.com/15947/autodesk-123d-catch-android/

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