3D Printer Manufacturers in India

3D Printing - Prototyping Services

After flourishing in the developed countries, 3D printing technology has finally reached India. There are many companies that have embraced this technology and have started a successful business around it. Among these selective companies there are a few companies that have taken up the manufacturing of these machines.

In this article we shall talk about various 3D printer manufacturers in India. We shall also share a small description of the products that they are manufacturing.


The company based out of Bangalore was founded by Nikhil Velpanur and Arvind Nadig in August 2013. The main aim of the company is to manufacture 3D printers and render services related to 3D printing technology. The founders of this company started the company with an urge to work with a technology that had the potential to bring about a change in the world.

When the duo started off with their venture they had never seen a 3D printer in their life, the only concept that they had developed was from the videos that they saw on YouTube and various other websites. The sole problem was that in order to import a 3D printer a lot of money was required. So, soon they came across an open- source community that gave them the necessary details required to build a 3D printer.  This marked the starting of a new journey and the foundation was laid for manufacturing a 3D printer named Brahma3 Anvil.

In approximately 15 days time the duo successfully built the 3D printer.  With the concept of building a 3D printer that was user friendly accompanied with good looks they launched Brahma3 Anvil 3D printer. The printer was received with open arms and this encouraged them a lot. Now they wish to become India’s best 3D printing company.

Talking about the opportunities for entrepreneurs in the field of 3D printing Nikhil said “Every single industry will be revolutionized by 3D printing. From printing organs and prosthetic limbs, to space stations, education, science, manufacturing, fashion etc. The primary skill-sets that a person needs to have are to be open to learning and absorb as many skills as possible. 3D printing is not hardware, it’s not software, it’s not design – but a perfect combination of all. So if anyone wants to cut their teeth in 3D printing and setup a company of value, they need to be open, and get used to being multidisciplinary in their approach. Since the 3D printing ecosystem and market is just opening up, there will be millions of jobs created in ways we cannot imagine.”

About Brahma3 Anvil:

The printer is capable of printing large high resolution models. The design frame of the printer is made of Aluminum in order to ensure stability and rigidity during the printing process. The nozzle hot end is specially designed to reach a temperature up to 350°C. The printer can work with materials like PLA, ABS and Nylon and is also compatible with Lay wood, Lay brick, PVA, PC and more. The printer has 7 inches touch screen. So there is no need to connect 3D printer to the computer. The company is selling the machine for Rs. 1, 00, 000 (USD 1, 610).

Divide By Zero:

Divide by Zero is a Mumbai based firm which is also a sister concern of a company named LabGuard. LabGuard is a manufacturer of fume hoods and laboratory furniture. Divide by Zero was started by two individuals Swapnil Sansare and Riju R Earaly. The company aims to build user friendly as well as economical 3D printers for the Indian market. Swapnil said, “We thought of making affordable 3D printers for the Indian market and support individuals and organizations to prototype their ideas, play with them and create wonders. It’s completely manufactured in India and also one of the first affordable and professional 3D printers.”

Most of the 3D printers that are there in India are imported and as per Swapnil- “These printers don’t come with any warranty and customer service which results in mediocre and low quality outputs.” He claims that their product can be assembled out of the box and that the company offers warranty and support.

About Accucraft S 150 3D Printer:

  • Aluminum body for stability and precision
  • Resolution of 6 microns and printing speed of 300mm/ sec
  • Removable build platform
  • Semi- automatic bed leveling
  • Product weight: 20 kgs.

After all this the main question arises- the price! The printer is priced at 80, 000 INR which is quite cheap as compared to the other Indian 3D printers that are floating in the market. Swapnil says, “We aspire to carve a niche for Accucraft as a smart and efficient producer which creates simple products with a profound technique.”


The founder of this company, Karan Chaphekar has been making 3D printers since 2011. Karan has been making as well as selling RepRap based 3D printers in Mumbai. Karan said, “I was looking for something exciting to make and stumbled upon the world of 3D printing.” Karan also added that RepRaps are good for people who have a technical knowledge of the functioning and maintenance of the printer. It’s not suitable for general people in other words not that user friendly. But Karan believes that anyone can be a Maker and use a 3D printer.

With this point of view he started this company and developed user friendly and powerful machines. In order to run these machines you don’t have to be an engineer.

In the existing market there are many 3D printers but Karan feels that a good 3D printer is one that is reliable and delivers consistent output.

About Gbot 3D creator:

These printers are specially made to match up to the expectations of the Indian customers. The company backs up its printer with a strong support system as well as training resources in order to maximize the utility of these miracle makers!

Since the concept of 3D printing is quite new to India there are very few companies that are willing to take the risk to open up a 3D printing venture but in the near future we will definitely see more 3D printer manufacturers from India who have the technology and the resources to challenge the top guns of the 3D printing industry.

Also Read: Compare 3D printer price in India

Source: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/01/30/3d-printer-manufacturer-reduces-3d-printing-costs-india/

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