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World’s First Analog 3D Printer created in Netherlands

The Analog 3D printer has to be the most interesting and the brilliant design for a 3D printer. The whole concept of this printer is based on the analog system or in other words it is a system which is run by man and does not require any electricity, computers, software or anything else that you could possibly relate to when you think of a 3D printer. The printer runs on the simple concept of machines and can only be operated manually.

This piece of brilliance has been designed by an artist named Daniël de Bruin. Bruin is currently a product designer at the Art Academy in Utrecht, Netherlands. The machine can print out objects in any paste like material and the speed is faster than the other electric 3D printers.

In order to make the machine work efficiently the user needs to lift the weight in every ten minutes. The time gap of ten minutes is because after ten minutes the weight hits the bottom and once the weight is lifted it regains and momentum and the printer starts working all over again. The printing speed can be changed by twisting the wings on the machine which increase or decrease the air resistance on the falling weight. In order to control the shape of the object, the machine uses an aluminum wire that can be changed after every print. The different shape of the wire pushes the platform from one side to another as it moves down and extrudes the material. The movement causes the radius of the circle to change and in turn the machine can print in different shapes.

This masterpiece has been put up for display at Exbenker in Netherlands until the end of this month.

Image Credit: ralphbijker  (flickr handle: 17258892@N05)