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Design student displays 3D printed fashion costumes and accessories

With 3D printing technology infiltrating in various industries it is a no brainer that it has limitless opportunities in fashion industry as well. You cannot stop art and an artist usually have their own way of expressing. And since thinking out-of-the-box is the norm now-a-days designers are all set to go out of their and innovate. And this is coming in right time because 3D printing technology has already made its mark and proved its worthiness.

Israel fashionYoung designer from Israel Danit Peleg took help of 3D printing technology to complete her graduation project, where she had to showcase five different pieces of designs. ‘In September 2014 I started working on my graduate collection for my Fashion Design degree at Shenkar,’ Danit says. ‘ I decided to work with 3D printing, which I barely knew anything about. I wanted to check if it’d be possible to create an entire garment using technology accessible to anyone. So I embarked on my 3D printing journey, without really knowing what the end result would be.’

She said on her website that she was inspired by Eugène Delacroix’s painting ‘Liberty Leading the People.’ ‘I modified it so it would look like a 3D picture. The first piece I focused on was the “LIBERTE” jacket. I modeled the jacket using a software called Blender and produced 3D files; I could now start to experiment with different materials and printers,’ she told.


However Danit revealed that she was having issues with the fact that the materials that were available were not flexible, till she was introduced to FilaFlex. ‘I was not getting very far because the material is inflexible, which is the key property of a “real” textile. The breakthrough came when I was introduced to FilaFlex, which is a new kind of filament; it’s strong, yet very flexible. Using FilaFlex and the Witbox printer, I finally was able to print my red jacket,’ Danit tells.

Danit wanted to keep sync with the theme of her fashion collection – 3D printing and so she decided to make the models wear 3D printed shoes on the ramp. ‘When I was getting ready for the runway, I printed shoes for the models – I wanted the models to wear 100% 3d-printed materials – including the shoes,’ she added.3d printed shoes

Just before the showFinally after 2000 hours of printing she was ready with her collection. She was consistently helped and guided by TechFactoryPlus and XLN, two of the leading 3D printing companies in Israel. “Together, we experimented with different printers (Makerbot, Pursa, and finally Witbox) and materials (e.g. PLA, soft PLA). I was really happy to join an incredible global community of makers who share their knowledge, designs, and time to help each other realize their dreams,’ she told.3d printing

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Micron3DP introduces 3D Printing materials for manufacturing glass

Over the past few months 3D printing researchers (which may include some of the big names in the 3D printing world) have been introducing various type of [useful] filaments in order to increase the spectrum of innovation for all the enthusiasts, like 3D printing food (though research is still going on in this particular field before we can conclude anything), printing spare parts for automobile and aerospace industries, etc.

But recently an Israel based 3D Printing company introduced a whole new range 3D printing filaments, which is going to take 3D printing technology to a different level altogether.

Micron3DP, an Israel-based 3D printing company, who’s known for being suppliers of high-quality parts of 3D printers, came up with the concept of 3D printing glass substances in liquid hot form, using an all-metal hot extruder which they are calling it “The Cobra”. The company was able to 3D print glass objects by increasing the temperature of the material to 850 degree Celsius. In another case, they 3D printed a borosilicate glass by melting the material at 1640 degrees Celsius.Glass making process - 3D Printing

Micron 3DP - 3D Printed glassAs development and research keeps happening on this particular application of 3D printing we will know how the different fields like that of the medical, automobile and the endless list of manufacturing industries will be benefited with this application, especially due to the less time-taking factor.

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The growth of 3D printing in Israel

Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft – all these names have one thing in common: they started in USA and went on to conquer the world. In such a world where most of the technological advancements take birth in US, it is worthwhile to take note of the journey of a Middle Eastern country in one of the most happening technologies – 3D printing. Israel has been doing rapid strides in 3D printing space. Very few people know the Israeli connection of the 3D giants – Stratasys and 3D systems. Both these companies have their CEOs who are Israelis. In fact, is largely an Israeli operation after it merged with Objet Geometries. So the development in the field of 3D printing in Israel is not a shocker.

What is interesting is the new developments in the retail space also to target the B2C space. The new store named “3D factory” that has been set up in Tel Aviv furnishes an Apple-style experience to artists, designers as well as regular folks who are ardently interested in the fascinating world of 3D printing. The mystical world of 3D printing was confided only to universities or labs now with the opening of this new factory it would provide the commoners with the 3D printing experience with otherwise they wouldn’t have experienced. Since the factory is relatively new, the printing will take place in PLA, ABS filament, and other plastic-source objects. But the store has yet to announce the materials that it would use for making the models on their website. The store has a retail section as well, where customers can order a model such as vase, lamps, bottles or even brass knuckles and customize its color, shape, size, and a dozen other criteria. Unlike 3D printing labs, this outlet is a perfect balance between studio gallery, workshop space and retail store.

Since its opening the store has been visited by local people, tourists as well as students, who are eager to see the working of this new machine. The store owner also plans to host workshops, educational groups, seminars, printing parties and all sorts of interactive activities, to increase the awareness among the people about this new technology. The store seems to walk on the footsteps of the newly opened MakerBot store- which offers 3D printing services, seminars, workshops and events. The prices of the products that are there in the shop are quite nominal so it gives the customers something far more special than they could get at a regular retailer, for almost the same price.

As far as the long term perspective goes this store plans to expand itself on a franchise model, in which franchisees will open 3D factories all around Israel and would provide 3D experience in their own communities.

It takes a lot of guts to be the first in anything and hats off to the owners of this new venture for having the guts to start ff something as new as 3D printing in Israel. Giant companies like HP are skeptical to join the league of 3D printing but these entrepreneurs are definitely paving the way and showing all, how it is done!