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Ways in which 3DP is changing the world – Fall Edition

Off late the 3DP industry has become very dynamic. Everyday there is a new invention being made and the horizon of 3DP technology is broadening. All these enhancements that have been brought about with the help of 3D printing has redefined our world to a great extent. To support the spread of this technology many small supporting industries are sprouting all over the place. A 3D printer alone cannot function it or even if it needs functions, it requires support of additional devices like scanners. So companies that manufacture filaments and scanner are also booming.

In this article we will see the top 9 ways by which 3D printing is influencing the world.

For Students

A technology like this will be at disposal for engineers to create interesting products. A few years back, talking about technology gave the impression of being a geek but now the story has changed. 3D printing technology has made all this very cool, it make the manufacture feel like God! Many organizations are coming forward with an effort to collaborate this technology with the educational sector. Many of you must be thinking that this is the case only in developed countries but this is happening all over the world. Many colleges, universities as well as schools have accepted this technology wholeheartedly and have also decided to put it in their curricula.

With the help of this encouragement from universities many students have come up with groundbreaking devices such as 3D printing of a vending machine like Innovation Station. Many programs are taking place to promote this technology among the commoners like EuroMold 2014 and the TCT Bright Minds.

With all these efforts, 3D printing is becoming an area of interest for engineers.


I think that the healthcare sector is one of those industries that are getting addicted to this technology. Be it prosthetics or manufacturing of artificial organs, 3D printing plays a pivotal role.

Off late the news of 16 years old boy Bradley was going viral in the 3DP market. He was born with a tumor in his heart. In his short life span of 16 years he had been in and out of the hospital a lot of times. Since the operation was quite an elaborate one with a lot of complications the doctors 3D printed the model of his heart in order to determine the course of action to be taken during the operation. The operation was successful and now Bradley leads a very normal life without the irregular heart beat caused by the tumor. This is just one example of the important role that 3d printing is playing the healthcare sector.

 Wedding Industry

3D printing is helping the wedding industry to transform leaps and bounds. Right from the customized figurines to be placed at the top of the wedding cakes to the marriage rings, 3D printing is giving the wedding industry a much customized look. Recently we read about a man who brought stone from the moon and incorporated the stone on his wedding ring. The wedding ring was 3D printed and designed by a company named Mind 2 Matter.

Fashion Industry

When we thought that we have explored all that could be done with a 3D printer, we got this shocking yet interesting news that fashion designers all over the world are using this technology to manufacture runway clothes for their collection. The spread of this usage has spread far and wide from Russia to New York. The main attraction of this amalgamation is that the designs that are produced by a 3D printer are something that would have never been possible if the traditional methods were employed.

Not only garments but various accessories are also being made with the help of a 3D printer. From customized spectacles to customized shoes 3D printing is turning the fashion industry upside down and this time it is for the good.

Movie Making Industry

Many of us are big fans of animated movies but very few of us know how difficult it is to create such characters. 3D printing has made it very easy. Many charactera in animation movies these days are actually 3D printed. 3D printing technology has brought about many changes in this industry that are quite warm and welcoming. Most of the special effects that are being created by the makers of the film are done with the help of this technology. With the help of a ProJet 660Pro 3D printer by 3D Systems, the artists at Laika were able to make face plates for characters. This also gave them the liberty to make new faces by adding some variations to these plates. This is how the film Box Trolls came into existence.

Culinary Industry

Cooking meals like the Jetsons was on my mind since childhood but in reality something like this was not possible. But last year when I heard about printers like Foodini and ChefJet I was so impressed that I really wanted to own one of these printers. The market is now filled with 3D printers that can manufacture food like cakes, chocolates and various other things. Sugar confectionaries are the best when 3D printed but it will take a lot of time for a food printer to become a kitchen appliance.

World of Art

The world of fine arts is being influenced by 3D printing in more than one dimension. From manufacturing fine jewelry to making of clap sculpture, 3D printing is the showstopper. There are many shows and exhibits that are displaying 3D art. The exhibitors are also encouraging the public to join workshops and get to know the technology. Galleries like The Usher Gallery in UK allows the public to download 3D files and 3D print images from the Lincoln 3D Scans.

Environment Industry

One of the biggest problem in the world is that of garbage disposal. Every year there are millions of plastics that are being manufactured to satisfy the demand of plastics in supermarkets and malls. This plastic eventually lands up in the ocean or in some landfill. Now 3DP technology is helping to bring about some changes in this field too. The plastic garbage that lies in the sea is being used to made 3D filament. This is being done by a company named Studio Swine which is based in UK. This effort will not only help bring a new type of filament into the market but also reduce the problem of garbage which is resulting in the contamination of the sea water.

Space Industry

NASA as well as many private companies have used this technology to empower their missions into space. Recently the news of a 3D printer going into space was in news. The name of the printer is the Zero-G 3D printer. This printer was on board of the space shuttle named SpaceX Dragon.

This printer can print objects even in zero gravity. The printer performed so well in the tests conducted by NASA that within a year the printer was sitting in the International Space Station.

Also Read: 3D Printing in India


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