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3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Created By A 9 Year Old Child

3D Printing industry has not only fascinated the professionals and the adults but kids have also been showing great interest in it. According to the latest buzz in the industry, a kid has created a 3d printed prosthetic hand for his teacher. The name of the kid is Calramon who along with his brother and father has been taking a lot of interest in this industry. They have a 3d printer at their home and while learning the features of 3d printing, they have created a lot of different contraptions.

The videos of the former creations of this family have been uploaded on the internet. After the creation of the prosthetic hand, an interview was conducted. Here is it in nutshell:

Calramon is only 9 years old and when asked about his interests, he mentioned that he has always been fascinated by 3d industry. It is important for the kids to love whatever they study and when he was first introduced to 3d industry, he was fascinated by the nature of this technology. It was great to create things himself. He further said that it was the movie called “Big Hero 6” in which he first heard about the 3d printer and how the kid was creating things.
After that, he met a designer who shared his experience of creating a remote controlled quad copter drone. It was then decided that he wanted to create something on his own. And that is how the interest was developed.

Nick is the name of the teacher for whom Calramon has created the prosthetic hand. During a session of 3d modeling at a library, the kid finds out that Nick was looking for a prosthetic hand for himself. The requested was forwarded to the e-NABLE community. They comprised of a bunch of people who created 3d printed hands and arms for the people in need.

Calramon was introduced to the community and he accepted the challenge to create a hand for Nick. With the help of his simple Makerbot kit, he was successfully able to create a hand for his teacher. Prototyping however, was done at the library and after getting through the whole process, Nick was presented with a prosthetic hand that fitted him the best.

The 3d industry has been helping people in a lot of different ways and also fascinating the interest of kid as well.


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Michigan University Student Created A 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand

With the help of 3d printing, a student named Austin Brittain from Breckenridge has created a Captain America inspired prosthetic hand for a young boy.

Austin is a 3D creation student at Central Michigan University and he likes working with cutting edge technology. He is also a mechanical engineering and technology student. After knowing the 3D printing can help in creating a prosthetic hand, he was not able to keep himself away from the technology. His sheer interest towards the 3d technology resulted into this amazing creation by him today.

Michael Bell is the name of the kid who received the hand. He is an 8 years old kid with Moebius Syndrome due to which he had a missing hand. It was observed by his teacher Sarah Volker that the boy has to face a huge deal of trouble to do his routine tasks.

I the urge to help Bell with his arm, the idea was discussed with Volker’s husband who is the art and design faculty member at the Michigan University. Later through the pipeline, the idea was exposed to Brittian.

Brittian spends hours in creating the hand at the university’s MakerBot Innovation Center. A lot of help was taken from E-nable in order to get the prosthetic hands. The hand has been created very carefully. The gauntlet holds on the wrist and the palm and the fingers flexes when Bell flexes his wrist. The prosthetic hand is inspired by Bell’s favorite superhero Captain America.

It’s a good thing that he is happy with his newly found superhero hand since he hasn’t ever felt that way before, said Brittian
The material used in the creation of the hand didn’t cost them more than $10 and the whole hand cost them less than $100. It is a huge achievement and a great success story to be added in the book of Michigan University.


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Xplorer3D Enables 5-year boy to Receive a Prosthetic Hand

Xplorer3D is the first 3D printer manufacturer in Pakistan. It’s self-named printer which is spreading awareness about 3D printing in the country.

Recently Xplorer3D, in association with its retailer and prosthetic provider Bioinks, provided a prosthetic hand to a young boy. This 5-year boy was the first child to receive the 3D printed hand. Mir Bayyaan Baloch, a 5-year old boy was recently implanted with this prosthetic hand, and now he can easily perform all his functions like all other children of his age.

Bayyaan’s father started searched online for the prosthetic parts when he came across Team UnLimbited, run by Drew Murray and Stephan Davies of Britain. They are designers of UnLimbited Arm which is a prosthetic arm for people with a functional elbow but no wrist or hand.

This was the perfect solution for Mir, who had a semi forearm but no wrist. The child’s father decided to take the help of Bioinks, where this boy’s need was taken as a special case. With the help of Xplorer3D at NED Institute of Technology, the researchers carefully 3D printed a brightly colored 3D printed hand. This hand enables Mir to lift and hold objects, shake hands with people and perform simple chores.

Mir’s father had read the story about Isabella, who had received a prosthetic hand from Unlimbited. He could again be an inspiration or a source of knowledge to another parent who might be on a lookout for a prosthetic part for his child. e-NABLE could yet be another source of joy to a parent and child in some part of the world. The role of social media has been of great significance is spreading awareness and knowledge about prosthetics and their availability.

Bayaan’s case got the first prosthetic to Pakistan, and who knows where else it could the first for another country soon.


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3D printed two- fingered hand enables a little boy

3D printed prosthetics are becoming a great boon for all those who are born with physical imperfections or have lost their body parts because of some fatal accident. These prosthetics are cheap and are custom made. So no more adjusting, the adjustment that is to be made will be done by the prosthetic hand since its custom made i.e. it is made according to the requirements of the patient.

There are many organizations that are on their mission to enable the differently- abled people with the help of these 3D printed prosthetics. One such organization is e-NABLE, which gave a little boy named Odysseus, in Greece a 3D printed prosthetic hand. This prosthetic is quite different from the prosthetics that have been produced by the organization till now. Odysseus who was born without a palm and fingers on his left hand, the major challenge in this was that Odysseus’s wrist had no movement. For the prosthetic to work the minimal movement of the wrist is required in order to flex the fingers. Since Odysseus’s wrist was non-functional, for the starters the team decided to make a prosthetic with two fingers and one thumb. Bending of two fingers requires less tension which would thus allow Odysseus’s weak wrist to control and bend the fingers. The team hopes to give Odysseus a five finger hand after he has gained control on the device and also has rejuvenated the muscles of his wrist which have become atrophied, and no longer function correctly due to lack of usage.

This has undoubtedly opened up a lot of new doors in Odysseus’s life and many others who have a similar problem.

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