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Student uses 3D Printing Technology to Make Low-cost Drones for Farmers

3D Printing technology is already known to be a breakthrough in the manufacturing industry, slowly changing the traditional system. This technology is now among the fore-runners in producing low-cost and reliable items and therefore many young engineers and college students find this technology to be useful to produce items that suits their budget.

Same goes for Quesney Nevarez, 22 year-old engineering student from Mexico. Quesney’s family livelihood depends on farming, where this talented young student is doing her summer internship in Ottawa, Canada.


A lot of times farmers, who usually own large acres of land for their farming, cannot afford some of the latest technologies that are meant to minimize manpower. Belonging to a family of farmers, Quesney devoted her time in building a low-cost 3D printed drone that can be utilized by farmers to take aerial readings of their crops . This has become a common practise among the agri-based community to monitor and improve the quality of the crops, but Quesney’s family weren’t able to afford to get one for themselves.

View from drone

The 22 year old’s project of making low-cost drones will not only benefit her own family but also he rest of the farmers’ community who cannot afford this technology. “This is (to) help small farmers like my family make sure the health of their crops,” Nevarez explains. “This technology is really expensive … We are trying to keep it as low-cost as possible, so that way small farmers, every farmer, can get their own.”

Nevarez and 44 other students were selected to develop and work on refining projects in Ottawa and be a part of a three-month Globalink internship.

“In my school, we don’t have a lot of things. It’s a small school. Even in Mexico, it’s hard to find a 3D printer, and here they have three,” she said. “It’s really different.”

Nevarez is determined to make low-cost, open source products that will benefit the entire farmer’s community in Ottawa.

Such kind of an initiative is an inspiration for youth in developing countries like India, to utilize this technology to the fullest and introduce technologies that will help farmers to avail contemporary advancements of the technologies.

Nevarez in Ottawa