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Ricky and Morty Stuff available in 3D Printing

Meeseeks are creatures from the Rick and Morty universe series. They have come to the planet to perform tasks by pushing buttons. Thereafter, they disappear. Jerry commands his Meeseeks to take two strokes of golf. The Meeseeks become violent when they are unable to perform the task.

The 3D Print Guy used Autodesk software to design Mr. Meeseeks. He then moved it to ZBrush for detailing. A texture was then added to MARI. Finally, the file was prepared on Meshlabs. The characters of Mr. Meeseeks are both happy and negative versions. They were 3D printed on Shapeways. The Meeseeks generating box can be downloaded for free. Users can then 3D print their own simple Meeseeks version.

The portal gun from Rick and Morty has been 3D printed. The gun is split into two pieces. It uses four different colors. The parts can be separately printed and assembled by glue. A preassembled version made from ABS and PLA is also available through Etsy.

Cromulons are giant planet heads which were 3D printed using P3steel and Prusa I3. The parts were printed by Thingiverse user Stephan Christ. The painted and non-painted parts were assembled using different glues.

Thingiverse user Carina Gutierrez has 3D printed the Morty head. This model is a one-part print. The Morty head is printed using a Stratasys uPrint SE Plus 3D printer.

The laser gun has been designed by 3D Central. Jimmy Swizzles has used multiple designs to make this gun. The gun can be printed in one or two parts, depending on the size of the printer. It needs gluing and sanding for final assembly.

The plumber is 3D printed by Print Guy. Maya, Meshlabs, MARI, and ZBrush were used, and the plumber was printed through Shapeways. Large amounts of schleem were used.


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