think3D, India’s largest 3D printing platform has launched a new 3D printing mobile app to help its existing customers get instant support from the technical team and also to provide new quality information to the potential customers / 3D printing enthusiasts. Below are some salient features of think3D Mobile App
(a) Shop:
In shop section, you can browse all 3D printers available at think3D. We provide a wide range of 3D printers to our customers across India. You can identify the printers which are popular and request us to provide quote for those products. You can also search for various 3D printers, see the printer reviews, product descriptions, technical properties and so on.
(b) Services:
In services section, you can get more information about various 3D related services we offer. This includes 3D printing services, 3D designing services & 3D scanning services. You can get all required information about 3D printing services and also request for quotation directly from the mobile app.
(c) Support:
Support is one very important section of the mobile app. In support, you can directly communicate with our support team and get answers to your queries on a real time basis. If the printer isn’t working for any reason, you can directly take pictures of the printer and send to our support team. Our support team will respond to you directly and resolve the issue.
(d) Contact:
All the contact details are present in the Contact page. You can contact us directly from the contact page.